The Bushytails follows the adventures of a family of squirrels as they seek to form an organized community in "Kennebushport", Maine to protect its wildlife citizens. Endorsed by former first lady Barbara Bush herself, this tale is loosely based upon the presidency of her husband, George H.W. Bush. Children will learn about the election process and how a society protects and provides for its members. Author Heather Bruhl has crafted a lively and entertaining story appropriate for children ages 7-10 when reading themselves or even younger when read by an adult. Kennebunkport artist, Wendy Webster Goode, has provided beautiful watercolor illustrations that bring this inspirational story to life.
The story of The Elephant Who Snored is about a young elephant named Albert who forms a brotherhood with 3 other African animal. Their mission is kindness and they overcome obstacles that bond the 4 together. Vibrant African colors, relatable characters, and stories of caring, love and support will entertain kids from 3-93. Young children will delight in an enjoyable story about what it means to have true friendships with animals from different backgrounds.
Reading It's Fun To Be One is like unwrapping a gift. Its rhyming story celebrates the joys and wonders of the first year of a baby's life before reaching the toddler age. Its beautiful iconic images are illustrated on every page. The colorful artistic drawings make you feel like cozying up in one of Geraldine's soft pastel baby quilts and settling in to the soft rhythmic story of why It's Fun To Be One. Author Heather Bruhl writes in her dedication, "God chose you and gave you the gift of a newborn baby. May you cherish them always and provided a loving and safe home in your heart." It's Fun to Be One will make a memorable 'Welcome to the Family' gift for every newborn and parent.
Longwood Publishing​